
Ondudu Activities ( previously The Erongo Wild)


Walking Trails

The Erongo Region is a geological wonderland. Its centre is formed by the Erongo Mountains a 130 million year old volcanic ruin with breath taking rock formations and landscapes. Over tho

Walking Trails

The Erongo Region is a geological wonderland. Its centre is formed by the Erongo Mountains a 130 million year old volcanic ruin with breath taking rock formations and landscapes. Over thousands of years magma, which cooled down subterraneously formed impressive natural scenarios dominated by massive granite boulders. Especially at dusk these landscapes offer beautiful photographic motives. The mountain range is also home to many interesting ancient rock paintings. The area is a birder's paradise with many species found there. Ways of exploring the area are listed below:

  • Dassie Trail : This is a short hiking trail which you can do on our own.
  • Baboon Trail : This trail takes you on an ancient volcanic granite mountain with a height of 1245m above sea level.
  • Eagle Rock Trail : This walk leads up into the rocky granite outcrops and over the whale backs, offering stunning views of the surrounding landscape and the lodge below.
  • Gecko Trail : This trail encompasses half of the Eagle Rock Trail. The two split at the peak of the Eagle Mountain...
  • Pangolin Trail: Because it is such a long trail, you are sure of the best scenery, landscaping, birding, wild life and nature...
  • Sun Rise Walk :See the sun rise on the Erongo Mountains with a cup off steaming coffee and a muffin.
  • Sun Set Walk : See the sun set with your favourite drink on the Erongo Mountains.

Nature Drives

The Erongo Region is a geological wonderland. Its centre is formed by the Erongo Mountains a 130 million year old volcanic ruin with breath taking rock formations and landscapes. Over thousands of years magma, which cooled down subterraneously formed impressive natural scenarios dominated by massive granite boulders. Especially at dusk these landscapes offer beautiful photographic motives. The mountain range is also home to many interesting ancient rock paintings. The area is a birder's paradise with many species found there. Ways of exploring the area are listed below:

  • Sun Rise Nature Drive : Experience Nature, waking up to a new day; see the sun rise on the Erongo Mountains with a cup of steaming coffee and a muffin.
  • Sun Set Nature Drive : See the sun set on the Erongo Mountains with your favorite drink in hand. Experience Natures different colours as the sun set and everyone goes to bed.
  • Paula's Cave (National Monument) :Paula's Cave was discovered roughly 100 years ago by Paula who was an archaeologist. The cave was used by ancient nomadic Bushman as a place of shelter.
  • Scenic Drive : The Erongo Mountains form part of an ancient volcanic crater. The granite out crops is the result of ancient volcanic activities.

Bush Lunch & Dinner : Experience five-star service in the bush.Outside Catering Includes: Transfer to and from Location

Day Excursions

The Erongo Region is a geological wonderland. Its centre is formed by the Erongo Mountains a 130 million year old volcanic ruin with breath taking rock formations and landscapes. Over thousands of years magma, which cooled down subterraneously formed impressive natural scenarios dominated by massive granite boulders. Especially at dusk these landscapes offer beautiful photographic motives. The mountain range is also home to many interesting ancient rock paintings. The area is a birder's paradise with many species found there. Ways of exploring the area are listed below:

  • Omaruru Day Excursion : Visit the arty town off Omaruru accompanied by a guide and enjoys the local flavour
  • The Ju/'Hoansi San Living Museum : An immersive Ju/'Hoansi San (also known as Bushmen) Living Village Experience


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SADC passport holders


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